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UK University Placement


For UAE students looking to pursue higher education, the UK stands out as a top destination with renowned universities. Making the right choice when it comes to selecting a university and course is pivotal for your future career. At Edgbaston Education, we understand the significance of this decision and offer tailored services to guide UAE students towards their academic goals. 

Why Edgbaston Education

Edgbaston Education, the career service of Edgbaston College, is dedicated to assisting students in the UAE with their UK university aspirations. Our comprehensive services are designed to support you through every stage of the application process, taking extra care to ensure a seamless journey to finding and applying to UK universities. 

We recognize that gaining admission to a leading UK university involves more than just achieving excellent grades. Our holistic approach provides personalized guidance that covers academic qualifications, course selection, personal statement assistance, interview preparation, admissions test support when needed, and navigating the complexities of the UCAS application process.

UK University Placement

Our range of services caters to all aspects of the UK university application process, including:

  1. Thorough Academic Qualifications Evaluation: We start by meticulously reviewing your academic qualifications to identify strengths and areas for improvement, guiding you effectively throughout the application process.

  2. Extra-Curricular Profile Building: We help students in Dubai and across the UAE strengthen their extra-curricular profiles, a crucial component of university applcations. 

  3. Personalised Course and University Shortlisting: Our guidance aims at matching your academic and career goals with suitable universities and courses, ensuring a tailored fit for your future objectives. 

  4. Reading List and Personal Statement Guidance: We assist in creating reading lists and provide support in drafting and refining personal statements to showcase your strengths and aspirations accurately. 

  5. Interview Preparation and Mock Interviews: For students requiring it, we offer comprehensive interview preparation, including mock interviews, to enhance confidence and readiness for this crucial phase of the application process. 

  6. Admissions Test Support: Where needed, we provide assistance with admissions tests, equipping you with strategies to excel in these assessments and strengthen your overall application. 

Contact Us & Get Started

Edgbaston Education provides bespoke one-to-one assistance for your educational aspirations. If you are a student in the UAE, including Dubai, seeking personalised guidance for your educational journey in the UK, Edgbaston Education is here to help. Schedule an Initial Consultation with Owais Ahmed, our Principal and Founder, to kickstart a tailored admissions strategy that maximizes your chances of success. Let our expert team assist you in reaching your academic and career objectives with our specialized, individualized services.


+44 (0) 121 758 8767 

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